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4.2 The output menu 

Upon pressing [O] in the main menu, the Output menu appears (see Figure 4.2). As the name suggests, in this menu several options are presented which are all related to output to the screen or to a printing device. 4TeX allows you to view or print on many output devices of different resolutions.  
Figure 4.2Output menu

We will assume that book is the current main TeX file. Also, we assume that this file has been compiled successfully so that the file book.dvi exists.

The first line on the screen shows the current choice of printer type. If you did not change it during this 4TeX session, it is the default printer type that can be set in the file texuser.<os>. It can be changed by pressing [T], see below.

The second line shows the print destination. If not changed during this session, it indicates the default print destination set in the file texuser.<os>. It can be changed by pressing [D], see below.

The third line shows the current choice of viewer type. If you did not change it during this 4TeX session, it is the default viewer type that can be set in the file texuser.<os>. It can be changed by pressing [Y], see below. The viewer type can be very different from the printer type, both in technology (e.g., PostScript or PCL) and resolution (e.g., 600dpi or 204dpi).

The fourth line shows the currently chosen paper size. It may also display that you chose to print multiple pages per sheet (2-up, 4-up, etc.)

The fifth line indicates which emTeX viewer you use. The emTeX dvi viewer comes in two versions: a `normal' one (DviScr) and a `small' one (DviScrS). The latter needs less memory but is a bit slower. In case you want to view a dvi file that calls many fonts the `normal' viewer may run out of memory and abort.

The sixth line indicates whether or not the .dvi file has to be devirtualized. If you get memory errors when running the emTeX viewers, or when you view the .dvi file with DVIwin you need to devirtualize the .dvi file. The .dvi file is devirtualized by the program DVIcopy. This takes some extra time.

When using a PostScript printer 4TeX uses partial font downloading. Partial font downloading is only possible for PostScript Type1 fonts. It helps to keep your PostScript output as small as possible by downloading only those characters of a font that are needed in a particular print. At low resolutions (say, up to 500 dpi) bitmapped fonts (.pk files) may be more efficient, at high resolution Type1 fonts are more efficient.

By default the Type1 versions of Computer Modern fonts are used for printing on PostScript printers, so psfonts.map will list, e.g.:
 cmr10 CMR10 <cmr10.pfb
If you want to use bitmap fonts you must either delete that line entirely or comment it out by prepending an asterisk (*):
 * cmr10 cmr10 <cmr10.pfb
You can edit the font map files psfonts.map, psfonts.inf and fontmap by pressing [F] (see below).

The following keys are active in the output menu:

[P] Print book.dvi
prints the file book.dvi to the current print destination, using the current print options and assuming that the actual printing will be done on a printer of the current printer type.

[V] View book.dvi
views the file book.dvi on the screen, using the current view options. See Section 6.1.6 for further details on the viewing program.

[T] change printer Type
presents a selection menu showing all printer types that are installed on your system. Select by using the cursor keys and press [Enter]. For a list of currently available printer types see Section 6.6. Set the printer type to match the printer that will be used to print file book.dvi. See also part 6.

[D] change print Destination
presents a selection menu showing all the print destinations that are installed on your system. Select by using the cursor keys and press [Enter]. Possible choices are

[Y] change viewer tYpe
presents a selection menu showing all viewer types that are installed on your system. Select by using the cursor keys and press [Enter]. For a list of currently available viewer types see Section 6.6.

[L] show Logfile of dvi driver
shows the logfile(s) created by DviHPlj and/or DviScr, DviDot, Dvips and/or Ghostscript. These files contain all remarks and error messages shown on the screen and a bit more (statistics on memory usage etc.). The logfile is displayed using the internal 4dos command list. Press [Esc] to quit. Under Windows 95/NT the program QuickEdit is used instead.

[M] Move book.dvi to a:\
moves the file book.dvi to a floppy in drive A: (or B:, set in texuser.<os>). This is useful if no (high-quality) printer is connected to your computer. The file can now be taken to another msdos computer on which TeX is installed and printed there.
Note: this works only if all fonts that are used in the document book.dvi are present on the host computer. This may for example not be the case if you incorporated graphics generated by BM2font (see Section 7.4.2).

[B] move Binary file book.lj to a:\
assuming that book.lj exists, moves it to a floppy in drive A: (or B:, the environment variable MOVE_PATH set in texuser.<os>). This is useful if no (high-quality) printer is connected to your computer. The file can now be taken to any other MS-Dos computer and printed there, simply by entering the command

(Do not forget the /B parameter!)

[O] change Options
changes the print/view options. The default options are set in texuser.<os>. On pressing [O] a fill-in screen appears, containing six frequently changed options. For each option the current setting is displayed in parentheses (see Figure 4.3). By pressing [Enter] while the cursor is on the line of an option, this setting is accepted. To change it, type a new value and press [Enter]. At any moment printing or viewing can be started using the current options by pressing [Ctrl][P] or [Ctrl][V] respectively. Press [Esc] to abort changing and recover the old options.  

Figure 4.3Output options menu

[A] Advanced options
changes the print/view options. On pressing [A] a screen with the Change Options menu appears, showing many not so frequently used or changed options (see figures 4.4 and 4.5). By pressing [O] in this menu, the user can set all parameters described in the documentation of DviHPlj, DviPS, DviDot, DviScr, and DviScrs. To do so, type the relevant parameter values as described in the manuals and press [Enter] . To restore the old parameter values press [Esc] . If the printer type differs from the viewer type, 4TeX will ask you whether you want to change advanced options for the printer or the viewer. By pressing [P] or [V] the file book.dvi will be printed or viewed respectively. Press [R] to return to the output menu.  

Figure 4.4Advanced output options for DviPs

Figure 4.5Advanced output options for DviHPlj, DviDot and DviScr

[F] edit Fontmap files
loads the files psfonts.map, psfonts.inf and fontmap into the editor, so you can adjust them to your needs.

[R] Return to main menu
returns to the main 4TeX menu. Equivalent keys are [Q] and [Esc].

Note: In case you use the CD-rom and you have a printer/viewer that is not present in the selection menu of all printer/viewer types, it is possible to add a new type (or change an existing one). This is done by setting the environment variable OWNPRT in the the file texuser.<os>. The variable OWNPRT will specify where 4TeX can find additional printer and viewer types. Examples of files that define a new printer/viewer type (with the extension .prt and .vie) can be found in the directory ?:\emtex\prndest. When the variable OWNPRT is not empty and you want to change the printer/viewer type 4TeX will ask which directory to search for types (i.e. the CD-rom or the OWNPRT directory).

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