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6.2 Using PostScript and DviPS 

For professional typesetting, PostScript has become a de facto standard. Any serious DTP program, wordprocessor or illustration package can generate PostScript output, from which any print shop can generate high-resolution output.3

Even if you plan to have your files professionally typeset,4 you should make proofs on a local printer. If you do not have a PostScript printer, you can use Ghostscript, a public domain PostScript interpreter, to print your PostScript files on an arbitrary printer. Ghostscript can also `print' to the screen (see Subsections 6.2.6 and 6.2.5).

PostScript support for TeX is provided by DviPS, written by T. Rokicki. This program generates PostScript output from a .dvi file, and offers mechanisms to include PostScript graphics in a TeX document and to use scalable PostScript fonts.

We shall first explain how you can make use of PostScript graphics and PostScript fonts in your documents; then we describe the command line interface and configuration of DviPS.

6.2.1 Including PostScript graphics 

Encapsulated PostScript (file type .eps) is a restricted PostScript format suitable for inclusion in other PostScript files, and is widely used as a graphics file format. Many word-processing and DTP programs support .eps graphics for a PostScript target printer simply by passing the code on to the printer, without trying to interpret it themselves. DviPS basically follows the same approach. DviScr won't display a .eps graphic; but you can run DviPS and then use Ghostscript or GSview for previewing the PostScript file. As can be seen in Section 6.6, Ghostscript can be selected as a viewer type within 4TeX.

If you want to include a .eps graphic, you'll need a macro package. Section 7.4.5 describes how to use the style files psfig and figures. An alternative is epsf, which is from the same author as DviPS. LaTeX users can include epsf as a `package', e.g.,
In general TeX users can place a statement

 \input epsf
somewhere early in their TeX file.

To include a graphic file picture.eps at its `natural' size, at the current position, use a statement5

You can also scale the picture:

\epsfxsize sets the width, \epsfysize the height. If you specify only one dimension, then the other dimension will be computed automatically, preserving the original aspect ratio.

The DviPS manual describes additional scaling options. Other topics not covered here include PostScript header files and color support.

LaTeX users are advised to use the graphics or the graphicx package to include any kind of graphic picture. Here is some sample code:
See the documentation on these packages for more details.

6.2.2 PostScript fonts 

Another attraction of PostScript printers is that it gives you access to Adobe Type 1 scalable fonts. These fonts can be scaled to any size: different sizes don't need to be loaded separately.6 Mostly, you'll make use of the set of 35 internal scalable fonts,7 but there is also a huge collection available of external fonts, both commercial and public domain that can be used if you want to give your documents a more individual touch. You can use these fonts side-by-side with the bitmapped TeX font libraries.

LaTeX users have a very easy job of accessing internal PostScript fonts in their documents: they only need to specify the appropriate font package. E.g., specifying:

In this case it can be written even simpler:

This will cause your document to be typeset in Times fonts. Note that text in math mode won't be affected by this package. Other ready-made styles for PostScript fonts include palatino for Palatino and many others; browse the ?:\emtex\latex\psnfss directory for other font options. Another interesting option is mathptm. It works like the Times options, but it also attemps to replace all Computer Modern fonts used in mathematics by Times and other PostScript fonts.

If you use plain TeX, or if you want to use external fonts, you'll have define fonts yourself. First, consult the file c:\texfiles\4system\psfonts.map for a list of available fonts. A typical entry for a resident font may look like
 * DVIPS style:
 rpagk AvantGarde-Book
 * PSNFSS style:
 pagk8r AvantGarde-Book "TeXBase1Encoding ReEncodeFont " <8r.enc
AvantGarde-Book indicates the normal non-italic non-bold `weight' of ITC AvantGarde. Note the initial r in rpagk, which stands for `raw' as opposed to `cooked'. These terms will be explained later on. An entry for a non-resident or external font named Optima might look like
 rpopr Optima <popr.pfb
Note that there is a single space between the font name and the `<' sign. There should be no spaces between the `<' sign and the font file name.

In your TeX file you make AvantGarde-Book available at a point size of, say, 20pt, with a line

 \font\avantgarde=pagk8r at 20pt
Note that here the initial r is not used. This line will allow you to use AvantGarde at 20 points with, e.g.,

 {\avantgarde This line is typeset in AvantGarde at 20 points}
Similarly for Optima; here you shouldn't use an initial r either.

The low-down on PostScript fonts

The use of PostScript fonts requires three or four pieces of information, depending on whether it is an internal or an external font:

The configuration file config.ps (see Section 6.2.4) tells DviPS where it can find all these files.

If you have Type 1 fonts of your own that you want to use in a TeX document, the on-line documentation of DviPS will tell you how to generate the required .tfm and .vf files. The documentation can be found in the directory ?:\emtex\doc\programs.

6.2.3 DviPS command line 

The syntax of DviPS is

DVIPS32 [options] <input file>
Note that this 32-bits program only runs on computers equipped with a 80386 CPU or higher.

Calling the program without options or parameters produces a brief summary of its syntax.

The principal options are

Here, `#' denotes a number; it should be separated by a space from the option. Example: reads textext.dvi and writes mytext.ps which can be sent to a PostScript printer. -D 300 specifies that the target printer has a 300 dpi resolution; -t a4 specifies a paper size A4; -M prevents automatic generation of missing fonts.

Note that the syntax does not conform to emTeX conventions.

Options can also be entered via the environment variable POST_OPTION. 4TeX uses

See the example above for an explanation of the parameters. With this environment variable set, the example above can be simplified to 4TeX only supports the 32 bits version of DviPS. Actually, there are two versions of DviPS: dvips32.exe and dvihps32.exe The program DviHPS32 is an extension of DviPS that can handle `HyperDVI'-files, generating `HyperPS' output. See Section 4.2, DviPS documentation and `hyperref' documentation for more details. This version supports the extra option -z to run in `hyper' mode. Because otherwise these two programs are identical, in 4TeX dvihps32.exe is renamed to dvips32.exe and is used for all purposes.

6.2.4 DviPS configuration 

Most configuration is done in config.ps in the PS subdirectory of the TeX directory. This file contains several paths, among other things. If DviPS appears unable to find fonts, the real reason may be that it can't find this configuration file. Try setting the environment variable TEXCONFIG to the directory of config.ps :

You can also use TEXCONFIG to direct DviPS to a version of config.ps of your own. See the on-line documentation for a description of config.ps and for the full story on configuring DviPS. Watch the syntax of config.ps carefully: it differs from emTeX conventions. 4TeX uses the file config.ps for all the general PostScript settings and certain .cfg files for additional printer type specific settings.

6.2.5 Ghostscript as printer and viewer 

The syntax of Ghostscript is as follows:

gs[386] [-sDEVICE=devicename] [switches] [file1.ps file2.ps ...]
The program gs386.exe only runs on computers equipped with a 80386 CPU or higher, the program gs.exe runs on any computer.

Available devicenames are:

vga ega svga16 atiw tseng tvga deskjet djet500
laserjet ljetplus ljet2p ljet3 ljet4 cdeskjet cdjcolorcdjmono
cdj550 pj pjxl pjxl300 epson eps9highibmpro bj10e
bj200 bjc600 bjc800 pcxmonopcxgray pcx16 pcx256 pcx24b
pcxcmyktiffcrle tiffg3 tiffg32d tiffg4 tifflzw tiffpack bmpmono
bmp16 bmp256bmp16mtiff12nc tiff24nc psmono psgray bit
bitrgb bitcmykjpeg jpeggray pdfwritenullpage

Most frequently used switches are: (you can use `#' in stead of `=')

-d<name>[=<token>] define name as token, or true if no token given
-dNOPAUSE don't pause between pages
-g<width>x<height> set width and height (`geometry'), in pixels
-q `quiet' mode, suppress most messages
-r<res> set resolution, in pixels per inch
-s<name>=<string> define name as string
-sDEVICE=<devicename>select initial device
-sOutputFile=<file> select output file: embed %d or %ld for page #,
- means stdout, use | command to pipe
- read from (redirected) stdin non-interactively

For more information, see the file ?:\emtex\utils\gstools\gs\use.doc.

To print on a laserjet printer the file book.ps one can use the command:
gs[386] -sDEVICE=ljet3 -dNOPAUSE -sOUTPUTFILE=LPT1 4texdoc.ps quit.ps

6.2.6 Ghostscript as previewer 

Ghostscript can be used as previewer under MS-Dos or under MS-Windows 95 or NT. In the latter case 4TeX uses the program 32 bits Windows program GSview.

When using Ghostscript as previewer under MS-Dos 4TeX will load an extra PostScript program called ps_view.ps, written by written by P. Pianowski and B. Jackowski, and extended by the authors of 4TeX. This file will enables several keys that make it easy to browse through a PostScript file.

The following keys can be used:

[Home] goto first page [F7] zoom out
[End] goto last page [F8] zoom in
[PgDn] goto next page [F10] redraw current picture
[PgUp] goto previous page [F12] view whole picture
[¬] shift left [Q][Enter] draw grid
[®] shift right [V][Enter] view picture
[­] shift up [V][f][Enter]flip vertically
[¯] shift down [H][f][Enter]flip horizontally
[Q][Enter]quit [F][r][Enter] show frame
[Esc] quit [Del] undo previous picture
[Alt][X] quit [Ins] redo undone picture
[F1] display predefined keys
(press [x][Enter]
to return to your document)

You can set the magnification factor by typing a number and then pressing [M] and [Enter]
You can go to a specified page by typing the number of that page and then pressing [F4]
You can set the shift factor by typing a number and then pressing [S] and [Enter]
You can shift the picture by typing the horizontal shift, a space, the vertical shift and then pressing [Tab]
You can rotate a page by typing the rotating agle (abs(STEP)*90) and then typing [R][O] and [Enter].

Note: These keys only work correctly if the the PostScript file contains the standard page markup comments.

When running 4TeX on Windows 95 or NT 4TeX can start GSview, a true 32 bits Windows program, as a previewer. This program explains itself quite well, so we will not discuss it here in detail. Note, however, that unlike any other previewer, [PgUp] and [PgDn] do not work as you would expect. Click on the [-] and [+] Windows buttons instead.

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