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6.4 DviWin as previewer 

DviWin is a true MS-Windows program. It comes in two versions, a 16 bits program called dviwin.exe and a 32 bits program called dviwin2.exe. Naturally 4TeX uses the latter. The installation script installs a file dviwin2.ini in your Windows system directory.

The settings in this ini file should be sufficient for using DviWin in 4TeX. By default DviWin will use bitmap fonts generated for printers of type HP Laserjet II, III or 4L (300 dpi). For technical reasons automatic font generation is supported only when running on MS-Windows 95, not NT.

One of the problems when running DviWin is that it cannot handle virtual fonts. This means that the if the .dvi file references virtual fonts the .dvi file has to be devirtualized first. Not devirtualizing the output will result in missing fonts, that cannot be generated automatically. See Section 4.2 for details on devirtualizing in 4TeX.

For fine-tuning DviWin you should read the detailed Windows help file on DviWin.

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