Options menu

On this page you can set several options of 4TeX. The page is divided into four parts:

  1. Language for spell-checker
    Here the language used for spell-checking the Main or Current TeX file is selected. Just select the language from the list.
  2. Editor for BibTeX
    Select the editor used for editing BibTeX files (see also the BibTeX menu). Just select the editor from the list.
  3. Replace virtual fonts
    When checking the "Replace" option, after each compilation the program DVICOPY will be used to replace all virtual fonts in a DVI file with real fonts. This options is e.g. useful when using DVIWIN 2.9 as a previewer. It can also be useful if you want to use the DVI file with programs that do not support VF fonts. Also when sending/mailing the DVI file to others is can be useful to devirtualize the DVI file.
  4. Screen options

Before explaining the screen options:

The 4TeX main menu is a complete workbench for TeX and all its friends, however, during the edit-compile-view/print cycle you do not need all the options/possibilities. Also the 4TeX windows can be large and therefor unhandy, especially if you have many windows open. As an alternative to the 4TeX main menu, 4TeX offers several speedbars:

  1. Speedbar with "text" buttons, e.g. fits on top of the screen
  2. Speedbar with "images" buttons (smaller than the "text" buttons)
A speedbar has the same buttons as shown in the Main menu. There are two additional buttons: First there is a "Main file" button, that can be used to select the main TeX file. The second extra button is the "Menu" button and this button will close the speedbar and reopen the 4TeX "Main menu". When left clicking on the 4TeX icon of the speedbar you will invoke the 4TeX help/about popup menu to show the 4TeX help file or the 4TeX about box. If you have a "user position" speedbar (see below), you can move the speedbar by right-clicking on the 4TeX icon. After clicking the default mouse cursor will change into a hand and you can move the speedbar to any position on the screen. By right-clicking once more the current position is stored as the position of the "user position" speedbar. By right-clicking on the "Print" button the options menu will appear. By right-clicking on the "Main file" the history of the last 10 TeX files is shown. By right-clicking on the "Log file" button the console output window will be shown.

Now we will explain the screen options in more detail:

The first field in the "screen options" page allows you to select the language that is used for all the 4TeX screens. Select the language you want and after pressing the "Apply" button all the windows are updated (so the language of the screens needn't be set in the initialization of 4TeX but can be changed during runtime).

When checking the "Stay on top" checkbox, the 4TeX main window will always being displayed on top of all other windows, i.e. this means that the 4TeX menu is always completely visible.

With the next two radio buttons you can either choose to display the "Main" 4TeX menu (i.e., the menu you are currently using) or select a speedbar. When selecting the speedbar you can choose the screen location of the speedbar and specify whether you want the "text" button speedbar or the "images" speedbar. Locations on the screen can be any screen corner and can be either a horizontal or a vertical bar. You can also choose a "user position" speedbar and place it any where on the screen.

After having made the selections of the screen options you want, you have to press the "Apply" button to update 4TeX and invoke the options.