Startup parameters
Since this tool can be useful for people not working with
4TeX the "View TeX
project" tool is a stand alone program (4PROJECT.EXE). The
syntax of the program is
4PROJECT mainfile [I=inisection] [L=language] [X=screenXpos] [Y=screenYpos] [-INIFILE=inifile]
- the mainfile is the main TeX file
- the language is the language that is used for the screens
- the screenXpos, screenYpos are the left/top position of the program on the screen.
- The 4TEX INI file (by default 4TEX.INI, but you can specify another
by the -INIFILE option) contains all the program settings as described
above. By default all the parameters used are read from the section
LATEX.If you want to use settings from another section use the option
If you do not use 4TeX, the 4TEX.INI file will only store the settings
needed for the 4PROJECT.EXE program.
For instance to view h:\4texdoc\doc.tex at screen position (100, 100)
just type:
4PROJECT h:\4texdoc\doc.tex L=US X=100 Y=100
NB: The language, screen position parameters, ini file, and ini section
are optional.