The 4TEX.INI file
Windows 95/98/NT uses a system registry to store program settings. This
has certain advantages but also certain disadvantages. For instance, the
registry tends to have a lot of entries a user rarely uses and if the
user wants to change/delete parts of the registry she/he really needs to
be sure about how a registry works. 4TeX uses the old Windows 3.1 style of
storing program settings in an INI file. This INI file is automatically
created the first time a user starts 4TeX
(see Initialization screen). By default the
4TEX.INI file is stored in the windows directory, but during
initialization the user can store the 4TEX.INI file in the same
directory as the 4TEX.EXE file. Every time you start 4TeX the 4TEX.INI
file is read and all the settings in this file are used. Every time you
quit 4TeX the INI file will be completely updated to all the settings
used at the moment of quitting. A 4TeX INI file consists of at least
nine parts (called sections):
- [System]
This part contains all the system settings. A user
normally doesn't need to update these program settings.
- [UserChoice]
This part contains all the User Choices of the 4TeX
menu. These settings are used to restore all user settings (TeX
filenames, printer choice, language etc.) of the last 4TeX session.
- [Options]
Some extra options.
- [Screens]
The scaling factors of the 4TeX screens
- [4Spell]
- Settings used by the 4Spell spellchecker
- [LaTeX]
- Settings used by 4Project
- [Editor:PFE_US]
- [Editor:MED_US]
- [Editor:WinEdt_US]
- Settings for the three editors that are by default supported by 4TeX
Below a description of all the settings is given. Note that the programs
4Spell and
4Project may add
their own sections to 4TEX.INI.
- Web2cDir
Specifies the root directory of the Web2C TeX
implementation, e.g. the root directory of the 4TeX CD-rom
- Web2cBINDir
Specifies the directory where the Win32 executables of
TeX and friends can be found
- MainExtention
Specifies the default file name extension of the Main TeX file
- CurrentExtention
Specifies the default file name extension of
the "Current TeX file"
- 4DOSProgram
The 4DOS COMMAND.COM replacement
- 4DOSOptions
4DOS settings used when starting 4DOS batch files
NB: the file 4DOS.INI contains all parameter settings. The 4DOSOptions only
makes it possible to start 4DOS and run one command.
- 4TeXBTMDir
The directory where 4TeX BTM files are stored
- 4TeXSelectionsOptionsDir
The directory where LST files can be found
- LaTeXMac
Path and filename of LaTeXmac program
- GSView
Path and filename of GSView program
- SpellChecker
The spell-checker that is used when pressing the
Spell-check button in the Main menu
- 4TeXLanguage
Specifies the language of the 4TeX menus
- OwnTeXTreeDir
Path of the user TDS tree (where you can store your personal TeX
files, style files, fonts, etc.
- MainFileName
The Main TeX file (path + file name)
- CurrentFileName
The Current TeX file
- Format
The description of the (La)TeX format
- FormatName
The (La)TeX compiler program
- Viewer
DVI file previewer program
- ViewerTXT
Description of the DVI file previewer
- Printer
The printer program
- PrinterOptions
Printer options
- PrinterPort
Print destination
- PrinterTXT
Description of the printer
- PrinterPortTXT
Description of the print destination
- BibTeXFile
The BibTeX file
- BibTeXEditor
The BibTeX editor program
- BibTeXEditorTXT
Description of the BibTeX editor
- SpellLanguage
Language use for spell-checking
- SpellLanguageText
Description of the language used for spell-checking
- EditorSection
- This parameter specifies the INI section that is read
for editor settings. The parameter consists of the string
Editor: and then a string indicating the editor.
Note that the INI section that is read will be not only the
string specified by the EditorSection parameter but
is extended by the screen language used in the 4TeX screens.
For instance if you use the MED editor and you use the German
screen language you should set EditorSection=Editor:MED
This means that when starting 4TeX the INI section
[Editor:MED_DE] is read. Note that 4TeX makes it possible
to add many different editors (you can choose one of them in
the advanced 4TeX options menu)
and can specify different editors for different languages.
- BlockMarker
Used to indicate the end of the program heading, used
for block compilation
- EndBlockMarker
Used to indicate the end of the job, used by
block compilation
- HelpFilesDir
Directory where to find Windows Help files of programs used by
- KillProcesses
If QuitUseBTM=0 then the programs (class names) specified in
the KillProcesses parameter of the 4TEX.INI file are killed.
- CleanupFiles
This parameter defines all the files that are used in
the Clean up files menu
- DelFiles
When quitting 4TeX the files (using the directory and
its subdirectories specified by OwnTeXTreeDir) specified by
DelFiles will be deleted.
- ManualPageDir
Directory where to find manual pages that 4TeX can display
- ShowOnTaskTray
0=do not use Tasktray, 1=use Tasktray
- ShowOnTaskBar
0=do not use Taskbar, 1=use Taskbar
- UserSpeedbarPosition
1=Allows user to move the speedbar
anywhere on the screen, 0=Only allows left/right and
top/bottom screen speedbars
- RunDosWindow
0=run normal DOS-box, 1=use the console output window
- CompileUseBTM
0=use 4TeX's normal compilation commands, 1=run
- QuitUseBTM
0=use 4TeX normal quitting procedure, 1=run
- SpeedbarImages
0=display speedbar buttons with text,
1=display speedbar buttons with icons
- SpeedbarFont
Specify the screen font for the speedbar. A recommended combination
is "Small Fonts" with SpeedbarFontSize=6
- SpeedbarFontSize
Specify the size of the screen font for the speedbar.
- ScreenFont
Specify the screen font for the screens, e.g. Arial,
Tahoma, MS Sans Serif
- ScreenFontSize
Specify the size of the screen font for the screens.
Default size is 8
- RedirectFont
Specify the screenfont for the console output window
(redirection). E.g. Courier New (default), Small Fonts,
- RedirectFontSize
Specify the size of the RedirectFont.
Default 8
- AlwaysShowRedirectionScreen
Always show the console output window
- BitmapViewer
Program used to display bitmap images (see
4Project and
Graphic conversion)
- GraphicsConverter
4TeX offers you an utility to convert graphics from one format to
another. This is done by the ImageMagick converter. This options specifies the full path and program of the ImageMagick program.
- StayOnTop
0=Menu doesn't stay on top,
1=Stay on top
- Menubar
0=normal size 4TeX menu,
1=use speedbar
- Verticalbar
0= do not use vertical speedbar,
1=use vertical speedbar
- SpeedbarLeft
0=put speedbar to the right of the screen,
1=put speedbar to the left of the screen
- SpeedbarTop
0=put speedbar on the bottom of the screen,
1=put speedbar on the top of the screen
- StartEditorWithProgram
The program that is started every time
the editor is called, e.g. LaTeXmac
- AlwaysDevirtualize
0=do not automatically devirtiualize DVI files,
1=automatically devirtualize DVI file after each
- RunAutostartBatchfile
0=do not start the AUTOSTART.BTM file,
1=start AUTOSTART.BTM when 4TeX is started
- MainHistory0
History list of the last 10 main TeX files
- MainHistory1
- MainHistory2
- MainHistory3
- MainHistory4
- MainHistory5
- MainHistory6
- MainHistory7
- MainHistory8
- MainHistory9
- CurrentHistory0
History list of the last 10 Current TeX files
- CurrentHistory1
- CurrentHistory2
- CurrentHistory3
- CurrentHistory4
- CurrentHistory5
- CurrentHistory6
- CurrentHistory7
- CurrentHistory8
- CurrentHistory9
- XScreenPos
X-position of the 4TeX menu
- YScreenPos
Y-position of the 4TeX menu
- RedirectXScreenPos
X-position of the console output window
- RedirectYScreenPos
Y-position of the console output window
- XScreenPosSpeedbar
X-position of the speedbar
- YScreenPosSpeedbar
Y-position of the speedbar
- Form1_X
Horizontal scaling factor of a 4TeX screen
- Form1_Y
Vertical scaling factor of a 4TeX screen
- etc.
- .
- .
- .
All 4TeX screens can be scaled to a size you prefer. Scaling may be
necessary to be able to see the complete text of buttons etc. When you
scale a 4TeX window all components (buttons, edit boxes etc.) on the
window will be automatically scaled by the same scaling factor. When
you quit 4TeX all the scale factors of the windows are stored in the INI
Note that above XXX stands for the editor and
YY indicated the language of the 4TeX screens.
- Editor
- Editor program
- TeXEdit
Editor options used when jumping to correct file and
line number after an error during TeX compilation
- EditorClassName
The "class name" of the editor. This name identifies the program as a
process in the Windows operating system.
When starting the editor also the program
specified by StartEditorWithProgram is started. This is done after the
editor is started. To test if the editor is running the EditorClassName
is needed.
- KillEditorProcesses
- This string is added to the KillProcesses parameter and
indicates the string that is needed to kill the editor.
- DDEEditService
All the DDE commands below are used with the
- DDEEditTopic
- DDEEditSaveCommand
- DDEEditChanged
- DDEEditForeground
- DDEEditQuit
- DDEBlockService
- DDEBlockTopic
- DDEBlockFileName
- DDEBlockFileNameMode
- DDEBlockLineNumber
- DDEBlockLineNumberMode
- DDEBlockCutCommand
- DDEBlockPasteCommand
- AutoSave
Specifies the number of minutes between two automatic savings of the TeX
file(s), using DDE commands
- LogFileViewer
Editor/viewer used to display Log files
Using the "Options menu", the
"Advanced options" in the
"Utilities" menu and using the
"Options" in 4Spell, or
4Project, you can change almost all the
options given in the 4TEX.INI file.
You can edit the INI file with any ASCII editor, but we recommend that
you make a backup copy of your INI file first.
When changing the font and font size of the 4TeX menus (see
advanced 4TeX options) it may be
necessary to change the window sizes as well to make all texts and
buttons fit nicely on the screen.