It is stricktly forbidden to distribute any of the programs written by
the 4TeX team on CD-rom without permission of the 4TeX team. It is also
forbidden to distribute 4TeX, 4Spell, and 4Project with other software
for commercial purposes. If you want to use 4TeX, 4Spell, or 4Project
as an additional tool for your own commercial sofware you need written
permission of the 4TeX team. 4TeX was developed to promote TeX.
This means that if you can proof that your product will positively
influence the TeX world and you contribute to the TeX world as
well, the 4TeX team will have no problems with granting you permission
to redistribute 4TeX, 4Spell, and 4Project.
November 1998,
The 4TeX team:
Wietse Dol
Erik Frambach