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[1]  P.W. Abrahams, K.A. Hargreaves, and K. Berry. TeX for the impatient. Addison-Wesley, 1990.
[2]  Adobe Systems Incorporated. PostScript Language Tutorial and Cookbook. Addison-Wesley, 1985.
[3]  Adobe Systems Incorporated. PostScript Language Reference Manual. Addison-Wesley, 1990.
[4]  S. von Bechtolsheim. TeX in Practice: 1. Basics. Springer-Verlag, 1993.
[5]  S. von Bechtolsheim. TeX in Practice: 2. Paragraphs, Math and Fonts. Springer-Verlag, 1993.
[6]  S. von Bechtolsheim. TeX in Practice: 3. Tokens, Macros. Springer-Verlag, 1993.
[7]  S. von Bechtolsheim. TeX in Practice: 4. Output Routines, Tables. Springer- Verlag, 1993.
[8]  N.H.F. Beebe. Bibliography prettyprinting and syntax checking. TUGBoat 14, no. 4, pages 395-419, 1993.
[9]  K. Berry. Filename for fonts. TUGBoat 11, no. 4, pages 517-520, 1990.
[10]  P. Bloemen. Shells for TeX. MAPS, 93.2, pages 155-159, 1993.
[11]  A. Borde. TeX by Example, a beginner's guide. Academic Press Professional, 1992.
[12]  J. Braams. Babel, a multilingual style-option system for use with LaTeX's standard document styles. TUGBoat 12, no. 2, pages 291-301, 1991.
[13]  R. de Bruin, C.G. van der Laan, and J.R. Luyten. Publiceren met LaTeX. Rekencentrum Universiteit Groningen, 1988.
[14]  P. Chen and M.A. Harrison. Index Preparation and Processing. available from public file-servers, 1990.
[15]  T. Darrel. Psfig 1.8 users guide. available from public file-servers, 1992.
[16]  W. Dol. The ease of including graphics in TeX documents using 4TeX. MAPS, 93.2, pages 171-176, 1993.
[17]  W. Dol. Frequently asked questions about 4TeX. MAPS, 93.2, pages 128-130, 1993.
[18]  W. Dol. Some notes about TeX and MS-Windows. MAPS, 93.2, pages 160-162, 1993.
[19]  W. Dol, E.H.M. Frambach, and M.H. van der Vlerk. 4TeX, a TeX workbench for ms-dos pc's. MAPS, 93.1, pages 53-56, 1993.
[20]  M. Doob. A Gentle Introduction to TeX, A Manual for Self-study. Addison- Wesley, 1984.
[21]  E. Doron. BibDB, an Interactive BibTeX Bibliography Manager. available from public file-servers, 1994.
[22]  V. Eijkhout. TeX by Topic. Addison-Wesley, 1991.
[23]  V. Eijkhout. Lollipop Unwrapped. available from public file-servers, 1992.
[24]  R. Furuta, J. Scofield, and A. Shaw. Document formatting systems: Survey, concepts, and issues. Computing Surveys, 14, no. 3, pages 417-472, 1982.
[25]  M. Goossens. Postscript en LaTeX, de komplimentariteit in de praktijk. MAPS, 93.1, pages 101-112, 1993.
[26]  M. Goossens, R. Rahtz, and F. Mittelbach. The LaTeX Companion. Addison- Wesley, 1994.
[27]  M. Goossens, R. Rahtz, and F. Mittelbach. The LaTeX Graphics Companion. Addison-Wesley, 1997.
[28]  G.D. Greenwade. The comprehensive TeX archive network (ctan). TUGBoat 14, no. 3, pages 342-351, 1993.
[29]  D. Henderson. Introduction to Metafont. TUGBoat 10, no. 4, pages 467-480, 1989.
[30]  J.D. Hobby. The Metapost System. available from public file-servers, 1995.
[31]  A. Hoenig. An introduction to TeX for new users. MAPS Nederlandstalige TeX Gebruikersgroep, pages 91-96, 1991.
[32]  B.K.P. Horn. complete bitmap-free TeX packages! Y&Y, 1993.
[33]  G. Horn. TeXcad Version 2.8. available from public file-servers, 1990.
[34]  N. Kempson. An Implementation of BibTeX for MS-DOS. available from public file-servers, 1989.
[35]  D.E. Knuth. The TeXbook. Addison-Wesley, 1984.
[36]  D.E. Knuth. A course on Metafont programming. TUGBoat 5, no. 2, pages 105-118, 1984.
[37]  D.E. Knuth. The Metafontbook. Addison-Wesley, 1986.
[38]  H. Kopka. LaTeX: Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten mit einer Einführung in Metafont. Addison-Wesley, 1990.
[39]  H. Kopka. LaTeX, eine Einführung. Addison-Wesley, 4th revised edition, 1993.
[40]  H. Kopka and P.W. Daly. A guide to LaTeX. Addison-Wesley, 1993.
[41]  C.G. van der Laan. Publishing with TeX--The BLUes book. available from public file-servers, 1995.
[42]  L. Lamport. MakeIndex: An Index Processor for LaTeX. available from public file-servers, 1987.
[43]  L. Lamport. LaTeX, a Document Preparation System (updated for LaTeX 2e). Addison-Wesley, 1994.
[44]  S. Levy. A Beginner's Book of TeX. Springer Verlag, 1991.
[45]  E. Mattes. How to run LaTeX with emTeX. available from public file-servers, 1989.
[46]  E. Mattes. Frequently asked questions about emTeX. MAPS, 93.2, pages 126-127, 1993.
[47]  E. Mattes. emTeX 1.4a manual. available from public file-servers, 1995.
[48]  E. Mattes. Metafont 2.718 manual. available from public file-servers, 1995.
[49]  E. Mattes. FONTLIB 1.2b manual. available from public file-servers, 1995.
[50]  E. Mattes. MAKEDOT 1.2e manual. available from public file-servers, 1995.
[51]  E. Mattes. TeXchk manual. available from public file-servers, 1995.
[52]  E. Mattes. DVIDOT 1.6g manual. available from public file-servers, 1997.
[53]  E. Mattes. DVIDRV 1.6g manual. available from public file-servers, 1997.
[54]  E. Mattes and L. Lamport. Using LaTeX with emTeX. available from public file-servers, 1989.
[55]  F. Mittelbach and C. Rowley. LaTeX 2.09 <FONT FACE=®" > LaTeX 3. TUGboat 13, no. 1, pages 96-101, 1992.
[56]  F. Mittelbach and R. Schöpf. With LaTeX into the nineties. TUGboat 10, no. 4, pages 681-690, 1989.
[57]  F. Mittelbach and R. Schöpf. Towards LaTeX 3.0. TUGboat 12, no. 1, pages 74-79, 1991.
[58]  F. Mittelbach and R.M. Schöpf. The new font family selection--user interface to standard LaTeX. TUGboat 11, no. 2, pages 297-305, 1990.
[59]  H. Partl. Layout-Ånderungen mit LaTeX. EDV-Zentrum der TU Wien, 1988.
[60]  O. Patashnik. BibTeXing. available from public file-servers, 1988.
[61]  O. Patashnik. Designing BibTeX Styles. available from public file-servers, 1988.
[62]  G.C. Reid. PostScript Language Program Design. Addison-Wesley, 1988.
[63]  G.C. Reid. Thinking in PostScript. Addison-Wesley, 1990.
[64]  T. Rokicki. DVIPS: A TeX Driver (5.58). available from public file-servers, 1997.
[65]  D. Salomon. Advanced TeX course: Insights and Hindsights. NTG, Dutch TeX usergroup, 1992.
[66]  D. Salomon. The Advanced TeXbook. Springer Verlag, 1995.
[67]  A.L. Samual. First Grade TeX, A Beginner's TeX Manual. Stanford Department of Computer Science, 1983.
[68]  A.L. Samuel. First Grade TeX: A Beginner's TeX manual. TeX User Group, 1985.
[69]  N. Schwartz. Introduction to TeX. Addison-Wesley, 1990.
[70]  R. Seroul and S. Levy. A Beginner's Book of TeX. Springer Verlag, 1992.
[71]  R. Smedinga. Hoe met LaTeX een boek kan worden gemaakt. MAPS Nederlandstalige TeX Gebruikersgroep, pages 97-101, 1991.
[72]  American Mathematical Society. AMS-LaTeX Version 1.1, User's Guide. American Mathematical Society, 1991.
[73]  American Mathematical Society. User's Guide to AMS-TeX, Version 2.1. American Mathematical Society, 1991.
[74]  F. Sowa. Benutzershandbuch BM2FONT. available from public file-servers, 1991.
[75]  F. Sowa. Bitmaps and halftones with BM2FONT. TUGBoat 12, no 5, pages 534-538, 1991.
[76]  M. Spivak. The Joy of TeX. American Mathematical Society, 1986.
[77]  The Chicago Manual of style. . University of Chicago Press, 13th edition, 1982.
[78]  G. Tobin. Metafont for beginners. available from public file-servers, 198?
[79]  M. Urban. An Introduction to LaTeX. TeX User Group, 1986.
[80]  E. van Herwijnen. Practical SGML. Wolter-Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994.
[81]  N. Walsh. Making TeX work. O'Reilly, 1994.
[82]  J. Warbrick. Essential LaTeX. available from public file-servers, 1991.
[83]  H. Wright. SGML frees information. Byte 17, no. 6, pages 279-286, 1992.

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