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4.11 The Metafont menu 

This menu appears after choosing Metafont from the Utilities menu of the main 4TeX menu (see Figure 4.20).  
Figure 4.20The Metafont menu

[F] change input File
selects the Metafont file (.mf) to be edited/created.

[P] change input Path
clears the field input path and another subdirectory can be chosen. If you enter a directory name with wildcards (or an empty one) 4TeX will display a list of all directories that satisfy the wildcard specification. By using the cursor keys you can select the directory you want. Using this approach you do not have to type the whole directory name (correctly) but only a few letters are often enough. Press [Esc] to restore the directory name to the old setting.

[O] change Options
changes options for the Metafont program.

[E] Edit input file
The Metafont file contains all statements needed to generate screen output and/or output to .gf file. You can edit this file. The .gf file contains the bitmapped Metafont output. It can be converted to a TeX font file by the program GFtoPK.

[M] run Metafont
starts the Metafont program, using the options supplied and the chosen Metafont file as input. All messages that Metafont generates in this run are also written to the log file.

[L] show Logfile
shows the remarks and error messages that Metafont produced. They are stored in the log file.

[X] eXtract EPS from logfile
In case you use the MFtoEPS package written by B. Jackowski, P. Pianowski and M. Ry´cko, you may want to extract the Encapsulated PostScript code that was written in the log file. Pressing [X] will extract all .eps files from the log file.

[V] View EPS file
In case you use the MFtoEPS package written by B. Jackowski P. Pianowski and M. Ry´cko, and you have extracted the .eps files you may want to view them on screen to check the results.

[R] Return to main menu
leaves the Metafont menu and return to the main menu. An equivalent key is [Esc].

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