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4.8 The format menu 

This menu appears after choosing Format from the Utilities menu of the main 4TeX menu (see Figure 4.15). Format files are files with preloaded declarations, assignments, and macro definitions that can be used within your document. For a detailed discussion of format files and how they can be generated see Section 5.2.4  
Figure 4.15TeX format menu

[N] specify format Name
specifies the name of the format you want to generate. Examples of available format files are:

the plain TeX format file
the LaTeX 2e format file
the LaTeX 2.09 format file
the BLUe format file
the ConTeXt format file
Many more formats may be available, depending on the installation.

After typing [N] you can type the format you want to generate. You can use wildcards to select a certain format. By typing [@] you will select all available formats.

[D] edit format Description
A format file can be assigned a description. If left blank the format name will be used as the description. When using a big TeX version the description will automatically start with the word `big'. The descriptions are used for the selection of the formats in the main menu.

[P] change format input Path
clears the field format input path and another subdirectory can be chosen. If you enter a directory name with wildcards (or an empty one) 4TeX will display a list of all directories that satisfy the wildcard specification. By using the cursor keys you can select the directory you want. Using this approach you do not have to type the whole directory name (correctly) but only a few letters are often enough. Press [Esc] to restore the directory name to the old setting.

[L] select Languages for BABEL
With TeX 3.0 it has become possible to load hyphenation patterns for more than one language. To take advantage of this new feature some extra book keeping is needed. Babel is a set of TeX macros that provides a simple way to generate TeX format files (see below) with multiple languages, and macros to switch languages within one TeX document. A list of all available languages and hyphenation patterns is displayed and you can select the languages you want to use in the new format.

[X] change emTeX options
4TeX automatically sets the options for the TeX compilers. Warning: it is not recommended to change them, unless you have studied the documentation very carefully.

[T] Toggle between Big and Huge format
You can either generate big or huge versions of formats. The huge version is used with HugeTeX and has more main memory, higher memory settings, but may run slowly.

[A] select codepAge
selects the codepage translation table to be used when generating a new format file. See documentation of TeX compilers for details about the usage of codepage tables. Selecting `none' implies true 8 bits input that can be used with the DC fonts or special input encodings.

[F] generate Format
available formats" you are prompted for every format whether you want to generate it or not.

[O] show lOgfile
INITeX writes informative messages to a log file. Use this option to view the log file.

[R] Return to main menu
leaves the conversion menu and return to the main menu. An equivalent key is [Esc].

Note: In case you use the CD-rom you can add additional format files on a hard disk. This is in particular handy if you have an update or new version of a format that is already on the CD-rom. The (new) format files are stored in the directory specified by the environment variable OWNFMT that can be found in the file texuser.<os>. When a new format is generated the format file is stored in %OWNFMT\btexfmts or %OWNFMT\htexfmts. If the variable OWNFMT is not empty 4TeX will ask from which directory you want to select a format in the main menu (i.e. from CD-rom or from the directory specified by OWNFMT).

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