Advanced options

In the Options menu you can change/set several screen options (e.g. speedbar, speedbar position). However, 4TeX has a lot of more options that are written to the 4TEX.INI file and can be changed with an editor. Many of these "advanced" options can also be set/changed in this menu. The screen in divided into five pages (General, Folders, Fonts, Lists, and Block Markers). All the advanced options are the result of a parameter in the 4TEX.INI file (i.e. in the list below specified in typewriter font).


This group consists of checkboxes that can be checked (resulting in the value 1) or unchecked (the value 0). Also there is the possibility to set file extensions.

Show on task tray
(ShowOnTaskTray) Display a 4TeX icon in the tasktray
Show on taskbar
(ShowOnTaskBar) Display a 4TeX icon in the taskbar
Grab console output
(RunDosWindow) Console output is outputed to a window
Always show console screen
(AlwaysShowRedirectScreen) The console output window is always displayed
Compile use: COMPILER.BTM
(CompileUseBTM) Instead of using 4TeX's internal compilation you can start the COMPILER.BTM batch file and parse the parameters from the US_FRM.LST file.
On quit: run CLOSING.BTM
(QuitUseBTM) Instead of using the 4TeX internal quitting process you can start the CLOSING.BTM batch file
On startup: run AUTOSTART.BTM
(RunAutostartBatchfile) When checked the file AUTOSTART.BTM will be executed each time you start 4TeX
Main TeX file extension
(MainExtension) The default file extension of the Main TeX file
Current TeX file extension
(CurrentExtension) The default file extension of a Current TeX file
Autosave time for editor
(AutoSave) The number of minutes between two autosave operations of the PFE editor


When pressing one of the buttons, a font selection screen will popup and you can choose a new font and fontsize. An example of the selected font and font size is shown.

(ScreenFont, ScreenFontSize) Font used for all the 4TeX screens
(SpeedbarFont, SpeedbarFontSize) Font used for the speedbar
Console output
(RedirectFont, RedirectFontSize) Font used for the console output window


Here you can specify certain folders that are used within 4TeX.

Manual pages
(ManualPageDir) The directory where one can find manual pages of programs used by TeX and friends
Help files
(HelpFileDir) The directory where Windows help files of programs used by 4TeX can be found
4TeX .LST, .OPT and .PAP
(4TeXSelectionsOptionsDir) LST, OPT and PAP files can be stored in another directory than 4TeXBTMDir


The parameters in this group contain a list of options separated by a semicolon. When pressing the button a memo box will appear (see screen below) and all the options are given line by line (one option is one line). You can add, change, delete options and save the settings when pressing the "Accept" button. The "Abort" button will cancel the selections made.

Kill processes when quitting
(KillProcesses) A list of all processes that will be terminated when quitting 4TeX

Files in clean up menu
(CleanupFiles) 4TeX has a clean up files menu. This parameter specifies which files will be presented as candidates for deletion.

Delete files when quitting
(DelFiles) When quitting 4TeX the files specified by this parameter will be deleted from the OwnTeXTreeDir directory and its subdirectories

Block markers

4TeX commands used for Block Compilation

(BlockMarker) 4TeX scans the Main file until this marker and uses the text until this marker as the preamble of a block compilation
(EndBlockMarker) 4TeX inserts this command as the last line of the file that is used for block compilation

NB: There are a few parameters in the 4TEX.INI file that cannot be changed through the "Options menu" or the Advanced options. You can manually change these parameters if you really know what you are doing.